How can Neurological Physiotherapy help me?

Damage to your central nervous system, including your brain and spinal cord, means that the messages from your brain are not reaching the affected parts of your body. This can result in loss of movement and sensation, uncoordinated movement, weak and floppy muscles, spasm and tremor.

Neurological Physiotherapy is able to kick-start the message pathways that your brain is struggling to use, to make new pathways through repetitive actions and exercises. Many of our clients who undergo Neurological Physiotherapy can improve symptoms such as, difficulties with loss of balance, loss of hand and arm, or leg and foot function, walking, spasticity and pain.

Our highly trained specialist neurological physiotherapist is an expert in the treatment of all neurological conditions including:

  • Stroke
  • Head Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • MS
  • Parkinson's

Our neurophysiotherapist is also qualified in the following areas :

  • Acupuncture and Acupuncture in Neurology
  • Treatment of Vestibular Disorders
  • Assessment and treatment of postural management and equipment provision 
  • Bobath and the functional task orientated approach

Our neurophysiotherapist can also provide expert reports for personal injury or medical negligence claims.  Assessments can be carried out in the clients home or at Halliday Quinn Limited and includes full range of measures, treatment, care & report.

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