Honorary Associate Clinical Psychologist

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Professional Background

Working as a Scientist-Practitioner to promote bio-psychosocial wellbeing.

Working experiences in Clinical Research & Practice: 13 years (2005-till date)

Working experiences in promoting Mental Wellbeing by Radio (shadhin 92.4) & TV (Banglavision) program: 8 Years (2010-till date)

Working experience in Clinical Neuropsychology: 5 years (2013-till date)

Promoting Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Bangladesh and Asia:10 years (2008-till date )

Areas of expertise/interest

Clinical Neuropsychology, Drug Dependency, Sexual dysfunctions, General mental health problems (Depression, anxiety, Panic Disorder, OCD, PTSD, Personality Disorder, Autism and Conduct disorder), CBT, BPT, Construct Therapy, 3rd wave CBT (Neuro-CBT, ACT, MCT, MBCT, DBT), Descriptive and Experimental research incorporating Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology.

Current Involvement

  • Clinical Lead, Brain Injury Clinic, NPU, Dept. of Clinical Psychology , DU. Under the supervision of UK based clinical neuropsychologist Dr. David A. Quinn, Visiting Professor, University of Dhaka.
  • Placement coordinator and supervisor for Clinical Neuropsychology.
  • Teaching and practicing Clinical neuropsychology, classical and 3rd wave CBT, BPT, qualitative and quantitative research methodology in Clinical. Psychology,
  • Clinical and research supervision.
  • Clinical Practice at Private set up and Brain Injury Clinic (8-10 case per week).
  • Attending Weekly Radio/ TV program to promote awareness on mental health.
  • Ongoing clinical placement at National Institute of Neuroscience and Hospital and neurosurgery dept. of Dhaka Medical College Hospital as part of CPD in the field of Clinical Neuropsychology.
  • Working with Department of Narcotics (DNC) and Colombo plan as Master Trainer to translate UTC manuals of Colombo Plan for SUD Professionals in Bangladesh.
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